
Monday, July 19, 2010

2010: Illegal Aliens, and Whose to Blame! Bucks starts and stops with their EMPLOYERS! Yes?

July 19, 2010

TO: All News Paper Editors, Internet, Concerned Citizens and beyond…

The Valdosta Daily Times published an article from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution on July 18, 2010, that read; “most voters want Arizona style law in Georgia. To grant state and law enforcement the power to ask people already stopped for possible violations of the law to show proof that they are in the country legally. Then arrest those that could not provide such proof.”

A Georgia high school teacher said. “We need to enforce our laws.” They are utilizing our health care system, our school systems, and our tax money to be here.” However nothing was said about law enforcement tracking down employers that hire them as aggressively and vigorously as the illegal aliens.

So why pour honey on the ground and then blame the ant for coming across the fence for the honey jobs? While our bought and paid for politicians keep us deaf, dumb, and blind concerning the real issues of illegal immigration and boarder crossing.

There is absolutely no need of blaming illegal aliens when the buck starts and stops with their employers. Moreover every state must hold employers liable for destroying American jobs and not the immigrants. It is just that simple and until law enforcement starts vigorously arresting, charging employers and enforcing the laws already on the books---nothing will change at the boarders---nothing!

So until our ghetto scholars, bible politicians and law enforcement gets serious about the employers that hire illegal aliens nothing will change at the boarders while our nation is being destroyed from within because of political party bickering.

Retired Unites States Armed forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
Valdosta, Georgia

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