
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2009. Playing the Race Card! [ says Valdosta citizens]"" Understanding Valdosta "They speak from their heart"

In Title Town USA.......

Ha! Is this playing the race card?
Is this Racially Motivated?
Is this Political Posturing?

Many local citizens in Valdosta-Lowndes County use these sayings for whatever purpose especially on WCTV Channel 6, Television Web Site. This particular COMMENT HERE was created to show the real deal within our community, and (ALL) are encouraged to participate in the dialogue.

October 13, 2009:

Letter to Editor (Grady Blankenship) was critical of those struggling to bring change to Valdosta and Lowndes County Georgia on 92.1 Radio Talk Station Web Site. Since I could not get into the discussion on the Web Site I created this blog for the good of free speech and to respond to others public comments.

November 14, 2009

Mr. Grady Blankenship thanks for your comments about me, (George Boston Rhynes), Rev. Rose, and other White Right people that are working to build a more just and equitable community. I will speak for myself, and the others you mentioned are (Extremely) capable of speaking for themselves.

Moreover, I encourage you to continue spreading your TRUTH, LOVE, and UNDERSTAND. I know you are speaking from your heart.

So please continue reflecting your love for your fellow American citizens. We need you to let other Americans know how far we have come as a nation along the lines of race relations. As it was in the days of old history will record what we all do in this life. There were many Americans whose work and efforts were on the wrong side of history and they are nothing more than foot notes on the pages of history. Peace, love, and understanding always!

November 15, 2009, Ha! Is this also, playing the Race Card?

The Valdosta Daily Times published their support of school consolidation on November 15, 2009 and asks “Who knows how many business and industrial opportunities have been lost because prospective interests have seen our situation of two schools systems, one predominately White, one predominately Black, and concluded Valdosta-Lowndes County is a Southern through-back to segregation.”

However local newspaper and television stations seems to have contributed to our community being behind other metropolitan cities in the State of Georgia by (NOT) publishing cutting edge issues to the general public.

Example: The following were items of information that citizen should have been informed about in our community. These concerns were brought before the Valdosta City School Board of Education but not published.

(1) That only thirty-minutes were allocated for citizens to be heard,

(2) It is difficult to get on the School Board Agenda to speak.

(3) Only thirty-two seats are available in a city with a population of 48,000

(4) Valdosta City Fire Codes could have been broken by over crowded room.

(5) Hallways and lobby were blocked.

(6) Seats place down both sides of each isle.

(7) Only one side of the front doors was unlocked.

(8) People sitting in front of board members on the floor.

(9) That citizen had a right to know of all public meetings.

(10) No speaker system available for citizens to hear what was going on at the meeting.

(11) Former School Superintendent Walker picture was sill NOT displayed.

(12) 120 citizens attended meeting but only thirty-two seats were available.

(13) 473 citizens attended previous meeting but only thirty-two seats were available for the general public and the press at a public meeting in the State of Georgia.

(14) Two letters to the Board of Education requesting a larger facility be made available but not even a courteous reply was received from elected officials.

Lastly: Should local news media be concerned about the safety and if public meetings are made available to the general public in the State of Georgia?

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

November 19, 2009

Is this also, playing the Race Card? If so who?


The Valdosta City School System is approximately 80 percent black in Title Town U.S.A. But the following exists in Valdosta City School System! We can only ask WHY?

1. The City School Superintendent is WHITE.
2. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning is WHITE.
3. The Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations is WHITE.
4. The Curriculum Director for grades Pre-K-5 is WHITE.
5. The Curriculum Director for grades 6-12 is WHITE.
6. The Director of Special Education is WHITE.
7. The Head of Human Resources is WHITE.
8. The Administrative Secretary is WHITE.
9. The Director of Title 1 is WHITE.
10. The Director of Title 11, is WHITE.
11. The Director of Title 111 is WHITE.
12. The Director of Instructional Technology is WHITE..
13. The Director of Nutrition is WHITE.
14. The Director of Personnel is WHITE.
15. The Director of School Social Services is WHITE.
16. The Director of student Information is WHITE.
17. The principal of the Valdosta High school, a school that is overwhelmingly BLACK, is WHITE.
18. The head football coach is WHITE.
19. The names of all schools that bear somebody’s name except one is WHITE.
20. The receptionist is WHITE.
21. The ultimate authority that our children face, the Juvenile judge, is WHITE.

22. Five out of 9 school board members are WHITE. Even though 80 percent of the students are Black. (The question is raised to the casual observer that the district lines have been gerrymandered to insure that whites would always control the education of black children).

23. With every position of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by whites, in a school district that is approximately 80 percent black.

Bird’s eye view and more to come!



1. J.L. Lomax Elementary
(Black- 617, White 11, Other 29, G. Tot. 657)

2. Salas-Mahone Elementary
(Black 443, White 390, Other 119, G. Tot. 952)

3. S.L. Mason Elementary School
(Black--629, White--189, Other--42, G. Tot.--860)

4. W.G. Nunn Elementary School
(Black--976, White--50, Other--52, G. Tot.--1078

5. Southeast Elementary School
(Black--285, White--8, Other--6, G. Tot.--299)

(Black--56, White--5, Other--4, G. Tot.--65)

7. Newbern Middle Elementary
(Black—482, White--9, Other--13, G/ Tot.--504)

8. Valdosta Middle School
(Black—620, White—251,Other—42, G. Tot.--913)

9. Valdosta High
(Black-1,232, White--358, Other--71, G. Tot.-- 1,661)

10. PLC
(Black—211, White--7, Other--5, G. Tot.--223)

Grand Total: Black: 5, 551 Whites: 1, 278 Other: 383 G. Total: 7,212

- Then out of 23 Department Heads in Valdosta-Lowndes County. There are only three Department Heads that are Black African American in a city that is 52-55 percent Black. Why is this?

- We will soon know HOW many CONTRACTS and HOW MUCH money have been paid to Black African Americans and OTHER citizens in our beloved community. This too should be interesting. Hopefully, we all will SOON see who those terms are applicable to in TRUTH. Again, thanks for your comments and concerns.

Race, and is it abaout race? ""Letter to the Editor, June 16, 2010""

A White Reporter, editorial published in a Georgia Newspaper.

By: Andrew M. Manis. He is an associate professor of history at Macon State College in Georgia, and this was written and published in the Macon Telegraph as an editorial.

SUBJECT: When Are WE Going to Get Over It?

For much of the last forty years, ever since America "fixed" its race problem in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, we white people have been impatient with African Americans who continued to blame race for their difficulties. Often we have heard whites ask, "When are African Americans finally going to get over it?

Now I want to ask: "When are we White Americans going to get over our ridiculous obsession with skin color?

Recent reports that "Election Spurs Hundreds' of Race Threats, Crimes" should frighten and infuriate every one of us. Having grown up in "Bombingham," Alabama in the 1960s, I remember overhearing an avalanche of comments about what many white classmates and their parents wanted to do to John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Eventually, as you may recall, in all three cases, someone decided to do more than "talk the talk."

Since our recent presidential election, to our eternal shame we are once again hearing the same reprehensible talk I remember from my boyhood.

We white people have controlled political life in the disunited colonies and United States for some 400 years on this continent.

Conservative whites have been in power 28 of the last 40 years. Even during the eight Clinton years, conservatives in Congress blocked most of his agenda and pulled him to the right. Yet never in that period did I read any headlines suggesting that anyone was calling for the assassinations of presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, or either of the Bushes. Criticize them, yes.

Call for their impeachment, perhaps. But there were no bounties on their heads. And even when someone did try to kill Ronald Reagan, the perpetrator was non-political mental case who wanted merely to impress Jody Foster.

But elect a liberal who happens to be Black and we're back in the sixties again. At this point in our history, we should be proud that we've proven what conservatives are always saying -- that in America anything is possible, EVEN electing a black man as president.

But instead we now hear that school children from Maine to California are talking about wanting to "assassinate Obama."

2009. News Media "WHITEOUT Machine" Continues at public meetings. Why?

September 2, 2009

The Valdosta Daily Times Reporter Johnna Pinholster did a great job in covering the Public Transportation Issue being stalled….and the millage rate during the Valdosta City Council Meeting on August 31, 2009 at 5:30 pm (Monday) in city chambers.

However the following comments during citizens to be heard portion of the meeting was omitted by our local television and newspaper. Once again, this left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on information from this public meeting in the State of Georgia in 2009.

Moreover I am sure that OUR elected officials are in an outrage because of this omission. But let us first look at the old Valdosta City Charter that was removed from the Walls of Valdosta City Hall in early 2004. Mainly because I requested that it be removed because it was insulting to all people of good will and so it was removed but not WITHOUT protest by many of our elected officials.

In fact, on May 5, 2005 I was among the fifteen citizens that were arrested for addressing their elected officials on the renaming of Barber Park during a council meeting. I for one was moved from my seat by words from Mayor John Fretti that referred to “Stray animals” or something that reminded me of words within the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860:


So, has the 1860 charter mentality become the keystone NOW being applied to all CITIZENS? If so, how Sad? We have a listing of many newsworthy events that have been ignored by our local media. (Available upon request)

Therefore please e-mail the following information, and give it out to your family members, friends, neighbors, enemies, churches, community organizations, Veterans, and others who want to know what is going on in their community.

The good citizens of South Georgia that are not color blind must stop looking for change, and become the change we need, or our community will forever be in a state of shame and fifty years behind other metropolitan cities in Georgia.

We can, we must, and we will do better----because there is a pendulum swinging in life called "the plumb line of justice." Luke 4; 18.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

2009. News Media Whiteout is problem and Not Professor Mark George for "Mary Turner Truth"

May 21, 2009

A published rant in the Valdosta Daily Times on May 20, 2009, read “Shame on the professor at Valdosta State University (Mark George) for bringing up the past about lynching of blacks almost 90 years ago… (Mary Turner and twelve other blacks) This community needs to be aware of what liberal professors are teaching our young adults.”

No! My republican friend, the shame and disappointment are on you, our local television stations ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX. Etc., Newspapers, and South Georgia Elected Officials for NOT reporting/participating in the commemoration program held in Hahira Community Center on Saturday May 16, 2009. It was indeed a historic day of reflection upon the upside down lynching of Mary Turner and twelve other blacks that were killed in what have become known the world over as “A Week of Terror” in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia in May 1918.

Moreover, history records that Mary Turner the mother of two children was lynched at the age of 20, and her third child was ripped from her womb during her eighth month of pregnancy with a hog type pocketknife, with the head of the baby being crushed beneath the heel of a white mob member’s boot. And has been recorded in American and world history as the most brutal and barbaric acts ever committed in a civilized country.

So don’t ask Blacks and White right people to forget and move on, without first asking the Jews to forget the holocaust and move on. I am grateful to the many students both black and white, faculty members, from Valdosta State University, Professor Mark George of the VSU Sociology Programs, Tracy Woodard-Meyers, members of the Mary Turner Project, President of the SCLC, NAACP, (NAN), National Action Network, family members of Mary Turner, community activists, Hahira Police Department, friends, concerned citizens, and others that participated in the Mary Turner Project and Commemoration Program held on May 16, 2009 in Hahira Georgia.

I comment the Valdosta Daily Times for publishing two informative articles prior to the event. But I was deeply saddened, ashamed and disappointed in our local television stations and other news media outlets for NOT reporting this historic event to the general public. We the people, must continually ask our local news media in Valdosta, and surrounding counties why they seem bent on keeping the people at Moody Air Force Base, Retired Military Veterans, Valdosta State University, Valdosta Technical College, Wild Adventure, Kenderlou Golf Course, and other citizens residing in Valdosta and Lowndes County deaf, dumb and blind to the times, and unprepared to make intelligent decisions based on facts.

For too long the truth about our southern heritage in Brooks, Lowndes County, and in other South Georgia communities have been buried beneath the rubbish pile like the legend concerning the ostrich bird---thanks in part to our local news media WHITEOUT machine. That consistently ignore news worthy events in the Black African American Community in Valdosta, and in other smaller counties in our area without any change in their sick practice.

How could our local television stations, and news papers ignore over 300 people in attendance at a public commemoration program held at the Hahira Community Center, followed by a 105 vehicle motorcade of people of all races and nationalities, escorted by Hahira Police, that traveled west on U.S. Highway 122 through the City of Hahira, during an extremely heavy down pour and on to the Little River Bridge to the official site where Mary Turners lynching took place in May 1918? Why would our local media ignore a cross being erected in her honor as citizens and relatives of Mary Turner spoke from the back of a pickup truck as people rejoiced, cried, and reflected upon the progress we had made as a community, state, and nation for the good of all humanity?

Yet our news media seems to have turned deaf ear to this historic event without apology to the citizens of our community. Even though people came from around the nation, and stood on this historic site in shock and awe, as we listened to the grandchildren, great grandchildren, uncles, aunts, and other relatives of Mary Turner. As they expressed their internal pain, and the pain of their relatives who tried to explain the horrible murders in Brooks and Lowndes County in 1918, but seem to have been intentionally ignored by people who refuses to face our real Southern Heritage that extends beyond the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy.

Mr. James Turner was one such family member from Brooks County that stepped up to the podium to speak but was too overwhelmed with emotions and memories of what his grand parents had told him as a child about these deaths, (Ms. Mary Turner, Mr. Willie Head, Mr. Will Thompson, Mr. Julius Jones, Mr. Hayes Turner husband of Mary Turner, Mr. Eugene Rice, Mr. Chine Riley, Mr. Simon Schuman, an eight month old Fetus of Mary turner, An Unidentified Black Male, An Unidentified Black Male, An Black Unidentified Black Male, (removed from Little River), and Sidney Johnson.)

So we are forever grateful to professor Mark George, and others now teaching our young adults at Valdosta State University to think outside the box of incarceration, and indoctrination. And we are even more thankful to our elders who passed this information down by word of mouth from generation to generation. In spite of the fact, that South Georgia Television Stations and other news media outlets pretended as if Mary Turner Commemoration Program in Hahira never took place on American soil. How sad?

However, it was truly a great and historic day that allowed Mary Turner’s family members, friends, and white right people a chance to release their internal pain, stress, and anxieties without hatred towards others that had been held within their lineage for nearly a century.

So we do not condemn professors who speak truth to power regardless of their political party affiliation or religious beliefs. Instead, we give thanks to all freedom fighters, organizations, courageous pastors, and politicians from both political parties, independents and others that fought for us and for the good of our beloved nation---before we knew what the fight was all about.

So it is my humble prayer that more white right people of good will who are the descendents of the perpetrators of these criminal acts would confess, as many whites did on May 16, 1009 and joined in the healing process of our community. This includes those in our local news media that have tried to ignore these HISTORIC, BRUTAL and BARBARIC acts that have been documented around the world as “A Week of Terror.” But we simply called Saturday’s event a day of reflection, healing, forgiveness, and moving on with the knowledge of the past so we can improve upon the future.

For people that are interested in reading more about “The Week of Terror,” there are many books and links available to the general public. I recommend “Before the Mayflower”, Chapter 11, page 294, “Your hands are full of blood,” by Lerone Bennett Jr., “Killing them by the Wholesale”, by Christopher C. Meyers, Tracy Woodard-Meyers”, A Lynching Rampage in South Georgia,” and the NAACP, Crisis Magazine, (1918), Walter White Investigator, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People entitled “The Work of a Mob.”

My IMAGINATION tells me---that a big screen movie will eventually be made about the lynching of Mary Turner during this week of terror in 1918, and it has been said, that “imagination is more important than knowledge.” (Albert Einstein)

Therefore, I encourage all television stations, newspaper editors, radio commentators, elected officials, religious leaders, politicians, and others NOT to be found on the wrong side of history. Once the cameras start rolling in Brooks, and Lowndes County Georgia, and the ostrich bird raises his or her head, and realize that the world did not STOP, simply because they buried their head beneath the sands of time like our local news media outlets. So let us all understand that truth, right, and justice will eventually win in the end, God Bless America, and everybody else.

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
President of Valdosta-Lowndes County Chapter of the NAACP
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity

Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you. {GBR}

2003. Lowndes County Jail, Letter to Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker],...(2003)

Aug 1, 2003, We must never give up on our form of government.  Too many military personnel have given their lives for our beloved nation.  Keep faith in our democracy!

Georgia Attorney General
Thurbert E. Baker (D)
40 Capitol Square SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Dear Sir,

Capt. J. D. Yeager, Lowndes County Sheriff’s Officer said in the Valdosta Daily Times on 29 July 2003 (Jailhouse blues).

“There are major problems at the Lowndes C ounty Jail which resulted in living conditions that are bordering on inhumane and unsanitary levels.”

Finally, after fourteen (14) years of complaining, marches, protests, suits etc., someone finally acknowledged what Lowndes County citizens have known for years. The only question is how many people have been treated inhumane and required to live in these unsanitary conditions. It must be determined who is responsible for allowing these conditions to exist.

Massive problems with the plumbing. Most of the fixtures are so old that replacement parts are no longer available. Water runs nonstop in sections of the jail, creating safety hazards. In some cells, old toothpaste tubes are stuffed into showerheads in an attempt to stop leaks. Water fountain refuses to discharge any water.

The Staff has to pour acid down all of the drains to keep leeches and other pests from entering the jail, especially the shower areas. There is rusting of shower frames, which inmates are using to make shanks. No air condition leads to sweltering conditions well in excess of 100 degrees. Many of the windows no longer open. Oscillating fans just serve to push hot air around the building.

Cell locks are obsolete and the individual cells in the larger security pods can be opened with as little as a bedsheet or an identification card, giving the inmates undesired freedom of movement. Control boards, which serve as the jail’s nerve center, operating most of the doors in the building are also fading.

The kitchen is close to shutting down and having meals catered because the jail kitchen should be four times its present size. The Jail intake area was designed to handle only 120 people, though it often has to deal with as many as 500. No way to segregate male and female prisoners at the intake desk. Infirmary has negative airflow to handle infectious disease cases, and managing the medical needs of so many inmates has become a logistical nightmare. Transporting prisoners to court appearances are so inadequate that inmates are stacked in visiting areas.

Sewer lines are also corroded. City has put the Sheriff’s Office on notice that they will soon need its own lift station and grinder to keep solid waste out of the City Treatment System. Doors jambs are shifting, creating unstable doors, which could potentially be forced open.

Conditions are bad for inmates and could affect the jails 108 employees. Employees of the Lowndes County jail are being subjected to the same conditions as the inmates. We should have more respect for the well being of our employees than to mandate continued exposure to such conditions. The kitchen feeds six hundred inmates daily and was only designed to feed 80 in 1957.

A person with below average intelligence can see that people must have suffered in our correction facility---use common sense. It is strange how truth works itself to the surface. As Paul Harvey would say---wait for the rest of the story! Peace!

Retired Military Veteran From Active Duty
A concerned citizen & brother of humanity

2010. Jail Inmate, from Jacksonville, FL. Tells All. Experience in Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail! Please help me--she say's

May 5, 2010

As requested from Former Inmate Lady From Jacksonville, Florida asking for an ATTORNEY!  1-904-885-7214 Angela (She expressed her medical conditions to local Civil Rights Organizations, SCLC, NAACP, ICU)...All because we care!

This is a continuation of many requests for information from your office concerning a long history of abuse and deaths in our community. We have been seeking help since 1989 and our efforts were reinvigorated by the death of inmate Willie James Williams in September 1998. However, nothing was really done to stop the abuse and mistreatment of inmates in the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail. With thirty deaths in or surrounding our jail since 1994 but no one seems to care in the United States of America even though many were Military Veterans.

There have been many court cases and suits filed but citizens in our community knows little to nothing about the results because it is not published in our area. Therefore citizens are without hope and it seems that there is no justice for the inmates nor their parents and love ones. What are we to do in this city and county, and does any one cares in Washington?

I have personally addressed several packages to your office over many years with little to no response. Moreover I sent certified statements, CDs, Video’s, pictures and still American Citizens continues to suffer in our community. I even sent documentation by U.S. Certified Return Receipt which was expensive and still no valid response towards resolving our decades old problem.

I have sent e-mails with links to reduce my personal cost in sending documents and still I have not received a valid response. It is as if citizens are of no value here in South Georgia. It must be noted that many of the inmates filed litigation in the courts and still inmates are treated like people in some Third World Country.

I worked extremely hard with getting President Obama elected to the Oval Office. Moreover I was on ABC National News with Charles Gibson 50 State Tour on Get out the Vote in the State of Georgia. I was interviewed on all local television stations and radio stations, cut PSA’S on three local radio stations. However, it seems as if the work we did as volunteers was a waste of time here in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia and in other surrounding communities.

So where is President Obama’s Justice Department when we need him to help resolve decades of abuse and mistreatment of our fellow citizens? I am beginning to AGREE with the Republicans that WE don’t see the change promised. Just a continuation of the same old things and we are really getting tired of being lied to by both political parties.

It seems as if we would have done no worse by reelecting George W. Bush. I am becoming extremely disappointed with this Justice Department as well as this administration in responding to Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia and other southern cities here in South Georgia.

Well, have a nice day and I don’t expect any real substance from the Justice Department based on its long historical past for the citizens of Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia and this includes an unanswered Department of Justice Court dating back to 1971.

Lastly: Please Google, “George Boston Rhynes and Barack Obama” on the web and see if I have supported the President. But I am becoming extremely tired of local citizens being mistreated with no help from our beloved and respected president. We believed this DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE would NOT depart from us in our greatest hour of need and we await your help! Have an outstanding day!

Retired United States Armed Military Vietnam Era Veteran
Former President of Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Inmate Real World Story at Bottom of Blog (Last Page)

2009. Actual Jail Conditions Valdosta-Lowndes County. Times Article! Citizens Rights Ignored! 2009

July 20, 2009

On July 3, 2009 the Valdosta Daily Times published a letter to the editor “A sad statement about the value of human life.” The writer highlighted the ill conditions in the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail and the suffering of his friend---a non-violent criminal inmate who are denied the following.

(1) No adequate reading materials

(2) No jail library.

(3) No Jail education program.

(4) No access to letters, newspapers or the Internet.

(5) No photo’s allowed.

(6) No air conditioning and temperatures are over 100 degrees in the summer. With inmates passing out from dehydration is a common occurrence.

(7) No humane living space. Inmates are extremely overcrowded.

(8) Inmates are over charged for over the counter medicine (a roll of Tums) was said to cost $6.00. The letter indicated that it seems that someone is getting kickbacks.

This is nothing new since the Honorable Judge Hugh Lawson of the United States Courts of the Middle District of Georgia Valdosta Division identified 105 violations in June 1997 in the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail, and that his ordered be corrected within two years in Civil Action 1989-54-VAL, wherein Judge Lawson ruled that inmates Constitutional Rights had been consistently violated and that it had to stop.

However after repeated requests to city, county, and other elected officials in Valdosta-Lowndes County civil rights organizations and others have been unsuccessful in finding out who if anyone or agency ever corrected or complied with Judge Lawson Court Order. In fact, I don’t believe even the good judge himself followed up to insure local governments ever complied with the order.

This lawsuit was filed in March 1989 in U. S. District Courts of the Middle District of Georgia Valdosta Division. But our local television, newspapers, and radio stations along with politicians apparently kept this court order the best kept secret in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia.

So is this July 3, 2009 Letter to the Editor too little too late? Moreover the letter FAILED to mention the bad medical facility, no real complaint system except on paper and the names of some nineteen to twenty-seven jail deaths that have occurred in the jail since 1994. So why have both bodies of local government ignored these ill living conditions for several decades instead of trying to stop these inhumane conditions and deaths.

It is imperative that citizen watch the video “A Chorus of Fear” posted on the Internet and then read Judge Lawson Court Order and Consent Decree #1989-54-VAL-----now expired.

So where have our local television, and radio stations been? And why have our elected officials, local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies, District Attorney (DA), Valdosta Mayor, City Council, Lowndes County Board of Commissioners and Chairman along with other Georgia State Agencies failed to request some type of investigation to put a stop to this trend?

Apparently our local media will gladly investigate and report on a cat or dog trapped in a tree in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia but ignore human beings awaiting to prove their guilt or innocence. Moreover does a citizen know how much money has already been paid out in lawsuits to inmates and their families? It may be a good idea for local leaders to go undercover and sit in jail for twenty-four hours and critique how citizens are treated in the facility.

The lack of adequate news coverage has left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decision based on facts. Therefore we the people must keep our elected officials in check by using the power of the Ballot Box to remind them that they serve us, and that we care about ALL citizens and not just a SELECT few.

Today (July 17, 2009 at 3:45 pm) a former inmate from the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail gave me a written and taped testimonial about the ill conditions in the jail. And that a local television station WCTV Channel 6, was “NOT INTERESTED” in taking his story about the inhumane living conditions he witnessed while in the jail.

So what good is our local television, newspapers and radio stations if they seemingly intentionally keep citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to news worthy events? How Sad in 2009? God bless America and everybody else.


Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)
Concerned citizen and brother of humanity


Thank you gbrhynes007-2.1, I appreciate your comment. Honestly I wanted to respond to your nice comment but unfortunately didn’t see it except now and yesterday I was extremely busy, so I forgot to log out. People thought I was on line, when in reality I was not on line but forgot to log out. Believe me Islam is not as what the media describes it, it’s a MIRACLE I’m really happy with Islam, it’s a kind of a new way of life given to me, with guidance and light.


Submitted by: Truth Tues 2009, July 21, 2009, Democracy is unreal in many countries. If only they put themselves in the place of those prisoners in Valdosta, what would they do? My new religion Islam which I voluntarily embraced teaches tolerance and that there is punishment inflicted upon the evil sooner or later, in Doomsday.

The Koran says that "God sometimes tests your faith in the hour of trouble"....

Some friends abandoned my friendship and did not call me again when I converted from Christianity to Islam, but that made me more attracted to Islam and my fortitude increased as a result.

2009. Michael Vick VS. Deaths in Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail! "WhiteOut"

July 24, 2009, Wednesday, 15:55

{USA Today), Big If, With Michael Vick} Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail, and Is Animal Health Care, Above Human Health Care?

The article in USA Today on “Crime and punishment” (Michael Vick) on July 24, 2009 read “people who abuse animals often exhibit deep-seated psychological problems.”

If this is true we can only imagine the psychological problems of those American Citizens that have allowed the inhume conditions to exist in the Valdosta/Lowndes County Jail along with the nineteen to twenty-seven jail deaths that have occurred there since 1994 without an in-depth investigation as to why these inhumane conditions are allowed to continue.

Where are the patriots, Christians, Muslims, Jews, and others who proclaim to be following the great Eternal Line of Holy divine? We must never become more concerned about the well being of Pitt Bulls, than we are about human beings living in inhumane conditions and dying in ever increasing numbers for whatever reasons in the Valdosta/Lowndes County Jail.

It is strange that we can report and address the mistreatment of prisons at Guantanamo Bay Cuba but ignore the mistreatment of fellow citizens here in the State of Georgia for over twenty-years.

So are we really living in the land of the free and home of the brave? Or simply living in the land of the too many needless and unjustified human graves? Where is the government of, by, and for the people? Why have our national television, newspapers, and radio stations not reported these ill conditions and deaths to the general public? How sad?

But then again, who cares? America we can do better.

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned Citizen and Brother of Humanity

Jail Deaths Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail, ""Violent Deaths within Valdosta-Lowndes County""

Just Keeping It Real For (ALL) Americans!

Today (September 4) the Valdosta Daily Times published an article by Dean Poling that read “Murder and Mayhem” an aberration or a sign of the times? He highlighted violent deaths within Valdosta and Lowndes County in the past few months, and asked the question many residents may be wondering. What has happened to our peaceful community?

The article read, “Since late May through this past weekend, Valdosta Police have worked six violent deaths, five cases resulting in murder charges one resulting in a manslaughter charge.” He said that 6 murders were reported in 20 years. The Valdosta Police reported 10 homicides, and 3 were in the county in 1992. The VPD reported that there were 8 per 5,000 (40,000) in 1992, there was 10 reported murders in the city, and 6 were in the county in 1993.

This trend continued for the next couple of years when it started decreasing by the late 1990s into more recent years says the reporter. It is great that VDT is concerned about the seriousness of the crime and domestic violence in our beloved community and those who have conducted several gatherings to address this problem.

However jail inmates in the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail have been living in inhumane conditions, with extremely poor medical care, and denial of citizens Constitutional Rights as spelled out in Judge Hugh Lawson Court Order and Consent Decree in June 1997 (Civil Action 89-54-VAL).

Since his ruling in June 1997 their have been about 24 more deaths with no end in sight. But were are the meetings to comfort the victims of crime, deceased inmates, inhumane living conditions, or their family members that live every day like the victims of crime without any closure. Moreover, it seems obvious that The Honorable Judge Hugh Lawson Court Order WAS neither worth the paper it was written on nor the original plaintiff’s civil action that were filed in March 1989.

So when will elected officials make an attempt to stop these ill conditions upon Americans Citizens? Our community is leading the state on jail deaths and is much talked about around the State of Georgia on Television and in Newspapers. So where are the Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu, elected officials, Veterans and others who profess to be followers of that great line of divine on this issue?

If Georgians could stand up for the rights of PIT BULLS in the Michael Vick Case, surely we can stand up for fellow human beings. I will close as the reporter Dean Poling on crime and murder, “Only time will tell if these jail deaths have been a twenty year season aberration (with no help from elected officials for inmates, their families, friends and love ones) or just a sign of the times?

Where is our local news media on this issue since it has been among us since 1988? I believe Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia will not move into the 21st Century until an updated News Media System comes to our area. How Sad?

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

2006. Troubles in the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail... Dating back to 1988.... White Outs!

September 29, 2006 (Valdosta Daily Times)

2006--Valdosta/Lowndes County Jail Violations (Inmates and Local Media tells) But where are our Elected Officials? Where?

Friday, September 29, 2006


Information provided from: [Inmates/Sheriffs own: Capt. Yeager. Report to the County Commissioners/Valdosta Daily Times on 29 Aug 2003] [Located in Valdosta, Georgia problems 1989 – 2003]

1. Inmates are incarcerated for months without seeing their Court Appointed Attorney. Therefore, they are denied due process.

2. Deputy pulls out a pistol like object and waves all around before aiming squarely at inmate and telling inmate to “get against the wall.” All because inmates want to complete a complaint form on a deputy.

3. Inmates kneed in back by deputy and his forearm in the back of his neck and trying to push inmate (Name withheld), face into the wall – at which time inmate (name Withheld), rightfully defended himself against those unwarranted, unprovoked acts by deputy.

4. Inmates denied the right to file a legitimate complaint form in the State of Georgia when it is against a deputy.

5. Georgia Inmates have problems getting regular complaint forms notarized as proof that action was taken deputy said; “I ant’s signing a damn thing – get it signed yourself.”

6. Inmates must show copy of sixth amendment to educate deputy on inmate rights. (The deputy tells inmate to “get out of my face,” and pushes inmate, unprovoked. All as a result of attempting to fill out a Georgia complaint form.

7. Incidents are swept under the rug rather than being properly investigated. And no one will listen to inmates concerns within Jail facility.

8. Inmates must endure cruel and unusual punishment at the jail. There must be an outside agency to inspect this jail for things to change.

9. Many tours are done through the jail. But the bad areas are not shown. Only tailored tours are given. The kitchen is not always shown; therefore, no valid review of the jail is done.

10. Drinking water is unfit to drink and food is terrible.

11. Inmates are required to live in inhumane, unsanitary and abusive conditions. (Squalid Conditions).

12. Cell doors sticks when opened from control booth --- that creates problems! Inmates are locked in cell because of malfunction!

13. Deputies play with the fans and taunts and agitate inmates in cellblocks where there is no ventilation or air conditioning.

14. Inmates must endure leaky water pipes, in dormitory; pools of water are over the floor. This is a hazard because inmates are required to wear flip-flops.

15. When inmates try to keep a potential bad situation from getting worst. Deputies often make things worst by not paying attention to the needs of inmates—as it was on 23 July 2003!

16. Lowndes County Administrations lie and don’t acknowledge the handbook they give out to inmates.

17. Food is not nutritional, and inmates have questioned its cleanliness.

18. Two cells (cell 12 A & B) has no bed frame or nothing in it at all, besides out of order toilets and the sink does not work at all.

19. If an inmate does something, like cursing a Sgt. or Officer. He will be booked 9 out of 10. He is going to one of these cells depending what Sergeant.

20. Inmates are stripped naked left in this conditions for long periods of time.

21. Jail staff will not provide water as needed and inmates do not get showers or wash his/her hands face or do any hygiene customs.

22. Inmates are placed in cell (12B) with no mattress or nothing else for necessities.

23. Inmates are placed in handcuffs and shackled for 7 days and six nights straight. (Copy of incident on File in Jail).

24. The jail has a restraint chair, inmates are not allowed to use the bathroom, and a chance to stretch as provided by polices in force by the State of Georgia.

25. Medical staff is very much on the side of the Sheriffs office, and does not administer the needs of inmates.

26. The Medical Staff lies, hides issues, and don’t document incidents that happen that could cause legal trouble for the administration.

27. Inmates families are lied to by Jail administration when they call concerning their love ones welfare.

28. This jail is very unconstitutional and several inmates say that it is ran in a racist manner.

29. The jail handbook is a fraud; in fact, it is so easy to prove.

30. Inmates needs to be interviewed, and the facility should be inspected everywhere there is a swinging doors.

31. Vivian Miller Cody was recently fired; she could be a vital witness in every issue if she is willing to do so --- to confirm these horrendous conditions.

32. Since the Jail started toting lasers to Las inmates when out of control. But that’s not how they are being used and I believe the situation will get worst.

33. Inmates are denied their rights to have access to the Law Library even without requests and that’s not happening.

34. Inmates are taxed when they buy stamps and on store items. (Inmates believe they are exempt from this practice.)

****35. PERSONAL REQUEST: Inmates requested that I (George B. Rhynes) call on the community to sign a petition for the inspector’s office and the U. S. Marshals Office to inspect and investigate the Jail Administrations.

36. Inmates (Name Withheld) were left in the restraints chain for 18 hours straight on one occasion in the past.

37. HANDBOOK VIOLATIONS: Each inmate may designate up to twelve immediate family members etc. [This is not being done we are limited to six]

38.Each inmate will participate in an organized and supervised program of daily cleaning within his housing and common areas. [This is not being done at all]

39.Inmates in the hold (cell 8) do not ever get to clean his call --- practically have to beg to receive cleaning materials.

40. Each inmate will be entitled to shower daily and required to shower three (3) times a week. [This is not happening. Inmates in (cell 8,) and the (MP) area. Also medical isolated inmates are forced to receive the minimum (3 showers a week). Even officers try to rush inmates out of showers.

41.Disciplinary process must be fair and systematic so that no person staff or inmate may plead ignorance of the rules or bias in the procedures. Hasty arbitrary decision and/or corporal punishment shall not be allowed. [This is not the case]

42. Inmates are convicted by one person, where inmates are suppose to be placed in lock-up then incident is supposed to be investigated and then a hearing. [This is not being done}


44. The Medical Staff and Administration: Shirley Lewis LPN/RN is the Head Nurse. She distributes medication in water out of the capsule before she’s in inmate’s presence. This violates inmates rights to confirm exactly what’s in the water and if it’s the correct medication.

45. Shirley Lewis (LPN) ignores inmate’s verbal complaints. If it is about issues and Sheriff Admin Office say, “They can’t make medical to nothing.”

46. Some nurses will refuse inmates his/her medicine if the inmates and nurse has had an altercation and jail Administrators condone the action and will not stop it.

47. Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights are still being violated as of 2003.

48. Inmates have exhausted all their avenues, and they seek outside help from any body that will help them. They believe many people only procrastinate about providing relief about the ill Administration in the Lowndes County Jail.

49. Some inmates are willing to take some steps but not nearly, enough that would be significant to bring enough stress on the jail to change their ill actions, inhuman, treatment towards inmates.

50. The whole issue of the extreme bad conditions in the jail rests on Sheriff Ashley Paul because of his lack of concern and interest of the Jail’s operations.

51. Sheriff Paulk is intentionally accepting fabrications from jail administrations to hide the facts that there are some serious violations inside his jail and with its operation in my opinion.

52. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT OWN ADMISSION: Capt. Yeager from the Sheriffs Department! We have massive plumbing problems.

53. Water runs non-stop in sections of the jail creating safety hazards.

54. Toothpaste tubes are stuffed into showerheads in attempt to stop leaks.

55. Water in cell refuse to discharge any water this is typical.

56. Staff has to pour acid down all of the drains to keep leeches and other pests from entering the jail especially shower areas.

57. Rusty shower frames, which Capt. Yeager said inmates are using to make shanks.

58. Heat swelter to over 100 degrees and no air.

59. Many windows no longer opens and oscillating fans only serve to push heat air around.

60. Cell locks are obsolete larger security pods can be opened with as little as a bed sheet or an identification card, giving the inmates undesired freedom of movement.

61. Control boards are also fading that controls operate most of the doors. The alternative is to give jail personnel individual keeps, which is a liability risk.

62. Jail held 570 people, but jail staff was forced to cook three meals in a 1956 kitchen designed to feed 80 prisoners.

63. Capt. Yeager said “A jail our size should have a kitchen four times this size.”

64. Jail intake area was designed to handle 120 people though they have 500 and there is no way to segregate male and female prisoners at the intake desk.

65. The Infirmary has a capacity of only 10 prisoners. It has no negative air flow areas to handle infectious disease cases---it has become a logistic nightmare.

64.Transporting prisoners to court appearances are so inadequate that inmates are stacked in visitation areas.

66. Sewer lines are also corroded and the City of Valdosta has put the Sheriffs Office on notice that they jail will soon need its own lift station and grinder to keep solid waste out of the city’s treatment system.

66. Doors jambs are stifling, creating unstable doors, which could potentially be forced opened.

67. The conditions at the jail also effect the 108 jail employees.

68. Employees should not be exposed to such bad conditions that now exist in the jail.

CONCLUSION: For more monsters: Read the legal section on page 6B of the Valdosta Daily Times dated 5 September 2003. And ask the real question- Who is responsible for allow this jail to get into this• condition?

Note: Most of the violations are the same ones identified in U. S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia Valdosta Division. Civil Action No. 89-54-VAL, Consent Order and Decree, and Class Action dated June 6, 1989, and should have been corrected and complied with.

a. The Question to this community should be—who ensured that this order was complied with? Was it the DA, County Commissioners, Sheriff, or the concerned citizens! Somebody should be held accountable! Compiled from letters received from Inmates & Valdosta Daily times.

2009, [Is Valdosta News Media Keeping Citizens Ignorant]? You decide...

“What you think, is much different from what you know."  Return to segregation?

After reading the Valdosta Daily Times opinion column on October 14, 2009. I can only say that J.H. (Sandy) Sanders publisher, Kay Harris Managing Editor is at it again with their one sided, incorrect information and outdated opinion. While I agree with the times that Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr. said; “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaves owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.”

However, where did they get their information?

That a local Valdosta organization has taken Kings Work and distorted it by saying that whites cannot educate Blacks and Blacks should only be with Blacks? And that his words have been distorted and have been used in such a hate-filled diatribe against another race?

Why would they say? “Shame on those who want to turn back the clock, to undo all of the true good that has happened in the last 40 years, and to rip apart the dream of equality that so many have worked so hard to create?”

In what areas have Blacks in Valdosta tarnished the dream of Dr. Martin L. King Jr. of which he lived, suffered, and was murdered for?  I offer an open challenge to the Times to produce proof of these accusations made in the column against local organizations. Moreover we do not need YOU to remind us of Kings Dream. We are living the dream each and every day while receiving the same condemnation as King and others that fought the best non-violence fight in the nation for change.

So please don’t play games if you are unwilling to use truth while on the field of play. Too often Americans use one of Dr. King’s quotes as the times did in their column. I will NOW share a few quotes that you failed to publish in your column.

Rationalizations and the incessant search for scapegoats are the psychological cataracts that blind us to our sins. But the day has passed for superficial patriotism. He who lives with untruth lives in spiritual slavery. Freedom is still the bonus we receive for knowing the truth.

"Ye shall know the truth," says Jesus, "and the truth shall set you free." Now, I've chosen to preach about the war in Vietnam because I agree with Dante, that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in

God has a way of standing before the nations with judgment, and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, "You're too arrogant! And if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I'll place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name. Be still and know that I'm God."

Now it isn't easy to stand up for truth and for justice. Sometimes it means being frustrated. When you tell the truth and take a stand, sometimes it means that you will walk the streets with a burdened heart. Sometimes it means losing a job...means being abused and scorned. It may mean having a seven, eight year old child asking a daddy, "Why do you have to go to jail so much?"

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citzen and brother of humanity